Monday, October 08, 2007


The house thanksgiving was awesome as usual...Tofurkey, laugh attacks, and pie, pie, pie. Today's food hangover has been pretty extreme. I'd like to sleep/bike it off, but instead I have to...
Build a box.

After three weeks of no ideas for my first fourth year art project, I finally got an ok one...except that involves constructing a 4' by 4' wooden cube with a door, lighting, carpeting, and panelling. The concept is to have the little claustrophobic walls inside covered with photos of people staring into the lens (re: at you.) Only one person can fit into this miniature gallery at a time. All right, deep. Fine.

Too bad I'm terrified of building anything that requires a measuring tape. I can hammer things and work a staple gun. That's it.
Between my Dad and I knocking heads together for an afternoon, I got the frame done. Two days left. It's going to be epic.


Accultus said...

that's not a thinished product of your box is it?

Shannon. said...

nope. the thinished product is a lot less impressive, im afraid.