Thursday, October 25, 2007

.Blargh! Yorked!

I have to voice my annoyance at's been a tense week regarding cash flow. New glasses, 70 dollar art project, you know. But- I was supposed to get paid this week, so everything would be fine.
All student employees in fine arts haven't received pay. When three of us went in en masse to figure out what was happening, the department told us that the woman in charge of our pay was on vacation. Vacation.
Please, York. Don't tell me that I need to live on $3.17 for two weeks, begging for money to finish my art projects and gain the gift of sight, just because someone went on vacation.
I'd go get some retail therapy, if I didn't know it would cost me more than $3.17.

1 comment:

Desiree said...

word. at least you know they care!