Sunday, September 30, 2007

.chalked doors- and more

York's fire warden sent a top down order a few weeks ago that all residences had to take down their bulletin boards and door signs, and anything on the doors of residents.
Basically, the order is to prevent York from being sued in case of fire rather than preventing fires, but there you have it. If you've ever lived in residence, you'll know how important a doorsign and a bulletin board can be, for good feng shui and connecting.
Anyway, I was bummed at being faced with door after faceless door, not knowing who lived where. I had some chalk on hand, so I decorated mine up (album art from hayden, a white board, and some buttons). It looked snazzy, I was pleased, and I wrote a little note on the white board telling passerby that I'd give them chalk if they'd like.
One week later, and at least half of my floor and a good many doors throughout the residence have been chalked, and not just with my chalk. There are doors with calligraphy names, doors with full on murals, doors with drunken signatures by friends, and doors with fireproof doorbells installed.
It's spreading, too. I'm excited! yay for my home!

1 comment:

Accultus said...

I have a flame retardant white board. and a gold coin on my door...

And a picture of a small turtle who grins with razor sharp teeth...

I wonder who's responsible for that?