A slight damper in the works of gallery shows, friends.
I had my first major meeting about the whole gladstone shebang- turns out that the group accountant is a raging pessimist. She spent most of the meeting solemn-faced, and insistently panicked about everything that could go wrong. I spent most of the meeting expressing my confidence in the quality of the group's work, my faith that all deadlines would be met, and that all pressing questions concerning the gallery and thematics surrounding the photographs would be answered in the fullness of time. I'm pretty sure she didn't believe me, much as I tried to get her to be happy about the whole thing.
Since I'm kind of ( eep) slipping into a leadership role, I refuse to be one of those miserable planners that drenches every step with worry. Not I! Who's kidding who? Every adventure is but one mis-step from disaster. Acknowledge it, put your faith in Jesus, get over yourself, and move on.
So there. Ima stoically stick to my optimistic guns.
1 comment:
turns out our friend the accountant has had her questions answered (int he fullness of time) and she is much happier now. Hurrah.
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